Yellowpanda is proud to welcome our newest client, Ross Anderson, the Managing Director of the Newcastle-based, remotely piloted training organisation, Aviassist, into the fold.
Ross established the company in 2008 after spending the three years before that working as a commercial pilot across Australia.
The Newcastle-local, family man, and drone enthusiast came across Yellowpanda after hearing our Director Amanda Williams on the Mark Bouris podcast.
Ross is a pioneer in Australia's RPAS space, having worked closely with the industry regulator CASA to create the first industry-recognised commercial drone training courses available.
Ross Anderson featured in Newcastle Herald
As the longest-running player in the drone training space, Ross has enabled more RPAS operators in Australia than any other individual.
Since joining Yellowpanda, just over a couple of months ago, the team has achieved some incredible results for Ross, including having him featured on NBN News, as well as 19 general and industry-specific online news publications, including the Newcastle Herald and Australian Aviation.
We're just getting started and we can't wait to achieve more great results for Ross and the Avaissist team this year.