
Avoiding writer's block and other curses

Written by Antonia Piao | Mar 15, 2022 7:00:00 AM
I have yet to meet a creative who hasn't experienced writer's block or an abrupt lack of inspiration at some point in their career. As a graduate from the faculty of Society & Design who's had the pleasure of coming across many creative minds - that's really saying something!
A creative's personal space could be identified by the notebook next to their bed filled with midnight lightbulb moments, or perhaps by the stack of books piled up on their dresser. It's where they feel safe to express their ideas, even if it's just on paper.
Your Environment  
The traditional 9-to-5 doesn't always leave a lot of space for creativity. Yet creative thinking and creative problem-solving are both habits that can be implemented into any workplace or role.
Myth busted: creativity isn't just for those working in the visual arts!
Post-pandemic life has left us all functioning a little differently from how we did before. We found ourselves sitting at home, staring at screens and trying to bounce ideas off one another over staggered internet connections.
But here we are, slowly and surely coming out the other side!
One's environment can influence your mood, motivation and behaviours. So why do we pay so much attention to our personal space and so little to our work environments?
****Queue embracing hybrid workplaces and expecting a QR code on every door you enter****
Our move of the Yellowpanda HQ to the Gold Coast Creative House last year has seen us all find some new creative inspiration. To walk into a hub full of all kinds of minds and teams is powerful in terms of feeling motivated each day.
Cultivating a space where your imagination can run wild is so important in creating meaningful results!
Your People
It's not all about where you get work done, who you're surrounded by is also important.
After all, you are with your work colleagues from Monday to Friday - the majority of your time!
Working in a positive team environment can be great for creativity. The culmination of many minds and endless possibilities is inspiring.
In essence, they are a huge influence on the kind of work you produce.
Unfortunately, you're not always in control of who you work with. But you do have control over what you let bother you and how you move forward.
If this is you, try and eliminate distractions. If you need to listen to music or place things out of reach - do that (at Yellowpanda, our boss has been kind enough to supply all employees with Airpods). Knowing what helps you stay in the zone is an important discovery.
If you are a freelancer (or when you have those WFH days), your environment and your people might get a little mixed. This might mean that you need to create a productive space and set some boundaries with your nearest and dearest.
Your Routine
Why do creatives need a routine you say? Surely, creativity comes and goes in waves?
Trust me, I'm not an expert yet. But yes, creative inspiration can come and go. Yet the best way to get the most out of your day is to have a routine.
That book of ideas I have next to my bed is just one of the things I implement into my routine to help capture those moments where I feel my most creative. Cultivating your personal habits like this is possible too!
For me, I know I work best when I explore all the ideas in my mind on a big screen or on paper. So when I come into the Yellowpanda office, I can truly design to my heart's content on our dual screens.
I'm also one of many who say they feel the most creative when they're out in nature or exploring. I like to go on long walks, get my blood pumping, let my imagination run wild.
Establishing your routine will help unlock all of those ideas you have!
So, if you're creative, I would say that revisiting this equation might come in handy when you're feeling uninspired...
Your Environment + Your People + Your Routine = Your ability to be your most creative self